Friday, January 14, 2022

My Top 5 News Sources!

1. My number one go-to source of news is Fox News. I tend to try to get my news through multiple outlets in attempts to avoid as much bias as possible. However, that being said, if I were to choose a number 1 it would definitely be Fox. My main reason for this is the familiarity Fox News has with me. Growing up, Fox News was always the station on the TV. My parents loved Fox, however, my grandparents on the other hand, watched CNN. This allowed me to hear both sides of most political stories and made it easier to decide who I agreed with more. Though I do tend to enjoy Fox News a bit more, CNN does definitely also have its perks. I view Fox and CNN in sort the same way I view Google Chrome and Safari; I tend to use Safari more, however it is mostly due to the familiarity I have with it from growing up, not just because I think it is better.  

2. As you can probably infer from my reasoning for choosing Fox News as number one, my number two source of news is CNN. I really enjoy the balance it gives me watching the rival channel to Fox. I've never enjoyed listening to only one side of the story, even if it is the side I like more. Being able to hear all opinions and form my own based on them allows me to know that I am never speaking on something that I don't know about. One thing that CNN does that Fox does not is the daily, short, 10 minute segments about what is going on in the world for kids in school. I remember when I was in middle school watching CNN Student News with Carl Azuz in my civics class was my favorite part of the day. 

3. Now that the frontrunners are out of the way, we can move onto the less arguable news sources. My number three news source is ABC News. I really like the credibility of ABC News. It gives me a sense of relief knowing that there is much less bias than most other news source options. I enjoy watching "Good Morning America" because it is non-biased, friendly, light hearted news... and growing up in a family of Giants fans, if Michael Strahan's on the news, I'm watching.  

4. My choices for fourth and fifth favorite news sources are even closer of a race than Fox and CNN were. These sources are the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. The New York Times tends to lean left, or liberal, as the Wall Street Journal tends to lean right, or conservative. After thinking more about what I really want to see in a news source, I decided that Wall Street Journal is my number four, followed by The New York Times at five. However, the direction in which the opinionated parts of these news sources lean is not what helped me choose my number four. Instead, I chose it because I prefer hearing about business more than politics, and Wall Street Journal is known for its business section of the news. I've never been one to enjoy arguing or listening to people argue. (though I am pretty good at arguing myself) Therefore, I would much rather read about business advice than pressing political issues. 

5. Although I did just explain exactly why there are four different news stations I would put above The New York Times, I believe it deserves some appreciation for making the list. For one, The New York Times' logo is my favorite on the list! Seriously though, I do really enjoy the reputation of The New York Times. They have been known as one of the top, and most credible, news sources for years. They are known to have a very rigorous review process, making it extremely hard for bias and untruthful information to be approved.

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