Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Supreme Court Video Response

In all of American history there have been just over 100 Supreme Court justices serving an average of 16 years. That fact itself goes to show how important each Supreme Court justice is, and explains why it is very important that presidents must choose very wisely when appointing a new justice. The most important takeaway I got from this video was the importance of the 14th amendment. I did not know how big of a role the 14th amendment played in the Constitution. Many people call the 14th amendment the second bill of rights. This is because similarly to the way the bill of rights was put into place to protect citizens against federal power, the 14th amendment was put into place to protect citizens against state powers. The most surprising fact that I learned during this video was that the supreme court receives around 7,000 new cases each year. That is an insane workload that they have to deal with. It makes me wonder how many cases they have to look at every day. This video gave me a new insight on the importance of the Supreme Court and how it works. I never knew that after coming to a decision on a case, one of the justices must write what is called an opinion draft on the case. Opinion drafts take about 4 weeks. If another justice doesn’t like the opinion made, that justice can make an opinion of their own. 

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